Thursday 20 September 2012

A Box of Photographs - Sepuluh

Photograph #75

The young couple are on a boat; not a large one, like before, but a small, wooden vessel, full of European tourists and their enormous backpacks. The girl is crouching on the bench, her back to the camera, head bent over the side of the boat. The boy has a hand on her back, and he is laughing. On the back of the photo it says, 'Sea-sick on the ferry to Gili Trawangan'.

Photograph #76

A photo of the girl, sat on a curb, the verge between the beach and a busy street, full of more tourists, bent double under huge rucksacks. She is smiling. Pleased, you imagine, to be back on dry land. A small grey kitten is rubbing its head against her ankle; she is caressing its back with her fingertips.

Photograph #77

An underwater photograph. The young couple in snorkels and swimming costumes, pale blue skin, the girl's hair floating out like gold tentacles. She is holding onto the rope of an anchor, and the boy is holding her hand. A few feet away from them is a large turtle. The turtle doesn't seem afraid; in fact it is eating coral, entirely unphased by its audience. Around it swarm colourful fish, spotted and striped. The couples eyes aren't visible through the masks' lenses. But you can imagine the awe they must have felt, to be so close to such a beautiful creature. And to be experiencing it together.

Photograph #78

It is night. In the photograph the boy is sitting at a table, amongst trees, on the beach. In the trees hang bright coloured lanterns. The girl, you assume, has moved the camera as the photo was being taken; leaving streaks of coloured light. The boy's face is lit up with the flash. He is laughing, eyes closed, head thrown back, bright lights dancing around him in the darkness.

Photograph #79

This photo is unusual. A double exposure, you surmise, taken at night, although the slow shutter speed has let enough moonlight in that it could almost be day time. But not quite. The camera has been left on the sand. To the right is the sea. In the centre is a bamboo bench. On it, sit the girl and boy. Twice. That is to say, there are two of each of them, side by side. Girl, boy, girl, boy. The first two firmer, more real. The second, transparent, like ghosts. Past selves. You can figure out how they did it, of course. But it unsettles you, none the less.

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is a human being with two x chromosomes during whose life the earth has circumnavigated the sun 20 times.