Thursday, 19 April 2012


Indifference is a strange beast. It mopes around all day, nowhere in particular, doing nothing in particular, going in some direction or other and not feeling particularly anything. Indifference sometimes walks on four legs, sometimes on two, there's not much difference, it doesn't mind.  It doesn't look like anything much, and it doesn't care. Some would say it was grey; others say beige. It's happy either way, although happy would imply that happiness was an emotion it was capable of. It was capable of it, but wasn't really capable of caring enough to actually feel anything. Maybe it was capable of being capable but just didn't care for capability. It didn't matter, either way.

Indifference mopes around, getting in nobody's way, harming nobody in particular, but not particularly pleasing anybody, either. Just leaving the people around him rather indifferent. A wake of indifference, bland and uninteresting.

That is not to say it is not a very dangerous creature. Indifference is to be avoided, certainly, though nobody would think it. Nobody fears Indifference. But Indifference can crawl up inside of anyone (it doesn't mind who) by any means necessary (or whichever is easiest) and stay there, not caring particularly for staying but not caring enough to leave, either. It will slowly invade your heart and your mind and your soul (if indeed, we have a soul, but don't ask Indifference because it hasn't much of an opinion on the matter). It will pervade you in your entirety, and you won't even mind. You will barely even notice. But therein is where the danger lies. You will become accustomed to your new Indifference, and it will control your every move with the same indifference with which it controls itself. You will be lost to indifference, and you won't really want to find yourself.

This is why we must hunt down Indifference and cull it in its thousands. Every single one must be exterminated if we are to save our species. It is absolutely imperative. We must take arms against this vermin, our greatest blight.

All we need to do is care.

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About the Author

is a human being with two x chromosomes during whose life the earth has circumnavigated the sun 20 times.